Company Details
Ubique S.r.l.
Registered office at Via Antonio Rosmini 8, Milan 20154, Italy
Fully paid-up share capital of Euro 2.173,90.
Company’s registration number REA MI - 2588667
Company’s Register of Milan
Fiscal code and VAT number 11226420963
Copyright & Trademarks website (the “Website”) is property of Ubique S.r.l. ("Ubique") which has created it as a service and source of information, communication and entertainment and made it available to its users for their personal purposes and not for commercial purposes.
Ubique Fashion trademark (including the relevant logotypes) and all other distinctive or figurative word elements and signs and slogans connected to it (the “Ubique Trademarks"), including the domain name, are exclusive property of Ubique; any use or reproduction of them for any purpose or by any means is expressly and strictly prohibited and will be prosecuted under the appropriate laws.
Trademarks, logos, characters belonging to third parties which are reproduced on Website are exclusive property of the relevant owners which have authorized their use: any reproduction is prohibited.
Web pages composing the Website and anything included therein (including but not limited to: text, images graphics, audio files, animations and videos,) are protected by copyright owned by Ubique or include material the use of which has been duly authorised; therefore, any reproduction, copying, publication or circulation (in whole or in part) under any form and with any modality, is forbidden.
No reproduction of this Website or part of it may be sold, distributed or otherwise used for commercial purposes.
Downloading of material on the Website is possible only if expressly authorised on the web pages; this authorisation relates exclusively the use of downloaded material for personal purposes and not for commercial purposes, bearing in mind that any other form of use is strictly prohibited. Nothing on the Site can be considered as expressed or tacit licence in favour of a third party for the use of Ubique Trademarks or third parties trademarks reproduced on Website, images graphics, audio files, animations and videos or any other copy righted object mentioned under the previous paragraphs.
Ubique works with the utmost diligence to select and update the contents of the Site; in any case, Ubique does not assume responsibility for untrue, incomplete or erroneous information of any nature.
Ubique will not be held liable for any damage which users - either directly or indirectly – may can suffer after entering the Site, for the total or partial impossibility to access the Site and/or other sites, for Internet browsing difficulty after visiting the Site or for downloading Site material (where it is allowed), including Users’ IT equipment damages because of viruses.